Cutter Soil Mixing

Cutter Soil Mixing

In 2004, Bauer came up with the idea of combining the best of two techniques already used; the cutter wheels and the soil mixing principle. The cutter wheels of the trench cutter system used for making diaphragm walls, have already proven themselves to be revolutionary. These cutter wheels are combined with the soil mixing principle in order to obtain the new innovative Cutter Soil Mix (CSM)-system. 


The Cutter Soil Mix - system

The Cutter Soilmix-system consists of a cutter head with two cutter wheels. Cement slurry is injected in the middle of the cutter head, between the wheels. As a result a homogenous mixed mass is created, and the cutter head can easily sink into the soil under its own weight.

After the cutter head has been removed from the mixed panel (CSM-column), it can be reinforced. The type of reinforcement is dependent upon the application of the Cutter Soilmix-wall. Steel IPE beams is the most common reinforcement, however steel cages or nets can also be applied as reinforcement. The reinforcement to be used is hoisted above the CSM-column and sinks under its own weight into the CSM-column that has just been mixed.

When cutting a CSM-wall, the odd-numbered panels are being processed first. After the odd-numbered panels have hardened sufficiently (approximately1 day), the even-numbered (intermediate) panels are cut. In this way, optimal quality is obtained for every panel in order to guarantee the stability of the surrounding soil structure.


Advantages of Cutter Soil Mix - system.

The advantages of the Cutter Soil Mix - system are most evident in inner city projects. The CSM-wall is created in a completely vibration-free and subsidence-free manner, resulting in minimal risks for the sensitive structures. In addition, the system is noiseless resulting in minimal nuisance to local residents. The CSM-wall is a relatively rigid soil retainer and consequently the deflection/movement is negligible. During the process, material is added solely in the soil structure and likewise this mixed soil structure directly is the end result that will be applied as a CSM-wall. This makes the CSM-system faster and more sustainable than comparable and traditional systems.

Since the CSM-system runs downwards along a mast, it is extremely accurate. The cutter head incorporates inclinometers that accurately measure how the cutter moves downwards. Consequently deviations are measured constantly making sure that corrective actions can be taken immediately if necessary. This makes the CSM-system more controllable and reportable than comparable systems and traditional systems such as sheet piling or soldier pile walls.

Compared to the traditional systems such as sheet piling and the soldier pile wall, the CSM-system has minimal implementation risks. In addition, the noise and transport nuisance to the surroundings, is reduced to a minimum.

Main advantages of the CSM system:

  • High productivity compared to diaphragm wall or trench cutter system
  • The in-situ soil can have a constructive function
  • Minimal waste (sustainable)
  • Completely vibration-free
  • Low noise
  • Can be used in hard soil structure
  • Extremely accurate
  • Good quality control
  • Less nuisance


BodemBouw and Cutter Soil Mix

BodemBouw has more than 10 years of experience in using the CSM technique in numerous projects in the Benelux. The company has thus acquired a great deal of theoretical expertise in relation to the engineering of a CSM wall and significant practical experience in using CSM walls in different soil structures and with different functions. BodemBouw owns a new Bauer RG21 CSM machine that is equipped with the latest technologies in terms of operating silently with minimal emissions. The machine and accessories are operated by qualified employees with the correct mentality. This is the perfect basis for optimal and, in particular, fruitful cooperation. 

What can BodemBouw offer in terms of Cutter Soil Mix:

  • Theoretical as well as practical professional expertise
  • Detailed engineering
  • Informing and counselling supervisory bodies (engineering consultancy, municipalities etc.)
  • Support when informing local residents
  • Extensive guidance during the execution
  • Practical and optimised system
  • Own equipment
  • Skilled professionals
Building starts in the underground Make an appointment

This is what we offer

To relieve, by reducing execution risk and disruption to a minimum with the revolutionary, sustainable CSM-system. Achieving profit in time and cost by performing a complete cofferdam with an optimum method.


15-02-2016: BodemBouw starts with cooperating with contractor Mobilis in Elst
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08-01-2016: BodemBouw has completed the CSM-work for a closed cofferdam with CSM-walls, in Alverna
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Contact us for further information and advice.

BodemBouw B.V.
Veghelsedijk 2E
5406 TE Uden
T: +31 (0)85 - 877 2002